Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets 📈- 2022 Best Guide

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Representing data in the form of Radial Bar Chart in Google Sheets

Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets

Learn how to create Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets 


Radial Bar Charts prove to be useful when you want to represent comparisons among different categories in your data. Moreover, this chart is usually preferred when you want to represent/visualize each category as a part of the entire data. Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets allow you to analyse/compare each separate category with the other categories and also the entire data as a whole.

Radial bar charts should not be confused with Pie Charts. Pie Charts are primarily used to showcase a % distribution (totaling 100%) whereas Radial Bar charts in Google Sheets can be use radial bars of different lengths to show data in a more flexible way.

Preparing the Data

  • The data given below shows three products along with their respective quantities. 
Data for radial bar in Google Sheets
Fig 1: Products and their quantities | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • Next, we will add two more columns to the dataset- helper and max value. The max value column is the maximum quantity of a product and depicts the value of one full circular rotation. 
Adding a Max value column to the table
Fig 2: Max value column added | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • The helper column values are a difference of the Max value and Quantity. Moreover, these values depict the empty space in the Radial Bar Chart and are calculated using the following formula: 


Adding Helper column values to the table
Fig 3: Helper column values added | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • Our final dataset looks like this.
Final product list table with the Helper and Max Value columns
Fig 4: Final dataset | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets

Now let’s move on to creating the Radial Bar Chart.

Adding the inner circle

  • Select the quantity and helper columns from the first row of your dataset.
Selecting cells to create Inner circle of the Radial Bar Chart in Google Sheets
Fig 5: Cells selected | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • Click Insert -> Chart.
Inserting a chart in Google Sheets
Fig 6: Insert chart | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • From the Chart Editor, select the Doughnut Chart
Selecting Doughnut Chart in Google Sheets
Fig 7: Select Doughnut Chart | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • Click on Customize tab.
  • Under the Chart Style section set the background color and chart border color to None.
Setting background and chart border-color to None in Google Sheets
Fig 8: Set background and chart border-color | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • Under the Pie Chart section, set the Slice label and border color to None as well. Adjust the Doughnut hole size. Here, I have set it to 67%
Set doughnut hole size to 67% and border color and slice label values to None
Fig 9: Set doughnut hole size, border color, and slice label
  • Remove the chart title. 
Removing the chart title
Fig 10: Remove chart title
  • Set legend to None.
Setting legend value to None
Fig 11: Set legend to None | Example for Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets
  • Set the color of Slice 2 as None. The Slice 2 portion here depicts the helper value and needs to look transparent. 
Setting the color of second slice to None
Fig 12: Set color of slice 2 to None
  • Under the Setup tab ensure that the Switch rows/ columns option has been selected. 
Checking the switch rows/columns option
Fig 13: Select switch rows/columns option
  • Your inner circle chart looks like this. 
Inner Circle of the Radial bar Chart is displayed in Google Sheets
Fig 14: Inner circle

Adding the middle circle

  • To create the middle circle, select the data from the second row and follow the same steps as above.
  • The only difference here would be changing the chart color and Donut hole size. I have set these to Yellow and 77% respectively. 
  • The chart now looks like this.
Middle Circle of the Radial bar Chart is displayed in Google Sheets
Fig 15: Middle circle

Adding the outer circle

  • Select the data from the third row and follow the aforementioned steps.
  • Changing the chart color and Donut hole size. Here, I have set these to Orange and 81% respectively. 
  • The chart now looks like this.
Outer Circle of the Radial bar Chart is displayed in Google Sheets
Fig 16: Outer circle

Adding labels to the circles

  • Click on Customize -> Chart and axis titles.
  • Select Chart Subtitle. Type the label in the title text input box.
  • To demonstrate this I have added a data label to the outer circle. I have also set the title format to Bold and changed the title text color to Black.
Data label added to the Outer Circle of the Radial Bar Chart
Fig 17: Label added to outer circle
  • After following the above mentioned steps you can add data labels to the other circles as well.

Creating Radial Bar Charts in Google Sheets

  • Stack all the three charts and adjust them such that they all have the same center. 
  • Your Radial Bar Chart is now ready and looks like this.
Radial Bar Chart is displayed in Google Sheets
Fig 18: Radial Bar Chart

Adding Chart title

  • Click on Customize -> Chart and axis titles.
  • Select Chart Title. Type the title in the title text input box.
  • I have also set the title format to Bold and changed the title text color to Black.
Title added to the Radial Bar Chart
Fig 19: Title added to chart
  • Your Radial Bar Chart will finally look like this.
Radial Bar Chart with data labels is displayed in Google Sheets
Fig 20: Final Radial Bar Chart

See Also

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