How to create a Funnel Chart in Google Sheets

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is a Funnel Chart?

A funnel chart is an inverted pyramid type of chart. The chart is mainly used for representing the progress of interconnected stages of a process. The chart is used to visualise the purchase trend at every step of the funnel. 

Why use a Funnel Chart in Google Sheets?

Let’s say you have some 1000 visits to your website. You see that 500 visitors are adding a particular product to their cart. You will see that out of 500, only 300 have added a delivery address. Now, out of the 300, only 150 have added payment details. Finally, of the 150 visitors, only 75 go on to purchase the final product. 

Here, you can see that the count of customers has decreased at every proceeding step of the purchase. If you want to visualise the trend, it is preferable to use a Funnel Chart in Google Sheets. Funnel charts in Google Sheets are primarily used in sales or business processes to track the drop in customers at every stage.

Example of Funnel Chart in Google Sheets
Figure 1: Example of Funnel Chart in Google Sheets

If you want to know more about Funnel Chart in Businesses, you can go through this Oracle Netsuite article.

How to use a Funnel Chart in Google Sheets?

Step 1: Open Google Sheets

  • To create a funnel chart in Google Sheets, open a Google Sheet and enter the data you want to visualise.
Dataset of interest
Figure 2: Dataset of interest

Step 2: Insert Helper Column

  • Since there is no provision to create funnel charts directly, we will need a helper column to make a funnel chart in Google Sheets.
  • Insert a Helper column between Labels and Count.
  • Select Counts column → Right-click → Insert 1 column to Left → Name it Helper.
Insert Helper Column
Figure 3: Insert Helper Column
  • Now, use the following formula to enter values in the Helper column:


  • Here, the formula determines the maximum value in our column, subtracts the corresponding count value and takes the average.

Insert formula
Figure 4: Insert formula
  • We add the helper column to give a funnel type representation to our chart. The helper data and count data will be stacked on each other. Things will get easier to understand going ahead.

Step 3: Insert Stacked Bar Chart

  • Now select the entire dataset by pressing Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (Mac).
Select dataset to create Funnel Chart in Google Sheets
Figure 5: Select dataset to create Funnel Chart in Google Sheets

  • Go to Insert → Charts.
Insert Chart
Figure 6: Insert Chart
  • A stacked bar chart will be created.

A stacked bar graph is created
Figure 7: A stacked bar graph is created

Step 4: Remove the Helper Column

  • The helper column was added to create a funnel type graph.
  • Now, it’s time to remove the helper column.
  • Go to Chart Editor → Customise → Series.
Navigate to Series tab in Customise tab
Figure 8; Navigate to Series tab in Customise tab

  • Click on the drop-down menu and select Helper.
  • Set the Line Opacity to 0%.
Set Helper opacity to 0%
Figure 9: Set Helper opacity to 0%

  • You will see that the helper column has disappeared from the graph.
  • Congratulations, you have successfully created a Funnel Chart in Google Sheets.


Funnel Chart in Google Sheets is a helpful tool to visualise the progress of interconnected steps of a process. You have to take the help of a helper column to create a Funnel Chart in Google Sheets. We hope this funnel charts guide helped you.

See Also

Want to know more formulas and functions in Google Sheets? Look at our definitive guide on Google Sheets which covers hundreds of such topics here. Enjoy reading!

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