What Can GPT-4 Do? Applications and Use Cases of GPT-4

What can GPT-4 do? Use cases of GPT-4
Reading Time: 7 minutes

ChatGPT is one of the most impressive pieces of technology to emerge in the last few years. The impact it has had so far is immense—the noise of its impact, at any rate, is enormous if not its actual impact.

And now there’s an even more powerful and intelligent version of ChatGPT, based on GPT-4; the previous—current for most—version of ChatGPT was built on GPT-3.5. GPT-4 is claimed to be much more capable and reliable than ChatGPT of GPT-3.5.

Here in this article, we’ll examine some of the capabilities of GPT-4 and use cases of GPT-4. GPT-4 is available only to a privileged few; click here to learn how to access GPT-4.

What makes GPT-4 different from ChatGPT

On the surface, there doesn’t seem to be much difference between GPT-4 and ChatGPT—visually, in terms of capabilities, or otherwise. There are however significant differences between GPT-4 and its predecessors. Besides faster processing speed and being more concise, there are several other things that make GPT-4 different from GPT-3.5.

Ability to understand images – visual inputs

One of the major improvements of GPT-4 over ChatGPT is the ability to accept visual inputs and understand them.

analysing chart with gpt-4 - use cases of gpt-4

Source: OpenAI

While the previous version of ChatGPT, based on the GPT-3.5 model, allows only textual input, GPT-4 allows users to include images in the prompts. This is significant because a lot of the time, describing an image is not just tedious and difficult but at times impossible.

More context

ChatGPT can only process up to 4096 tokens, or about 3000 words of text, per request. This makes it unsuitable for analysing lengthy text or generating long content. With GPT-4, it can process up to about 25,000 words of text.

This means that it can generate longer forms of text, summarise lengthy documents, analyse and extract information from dense material, and hold longer conversations without losing context.

More reliable – less prone to hallucination

One of the major shortcomings of ChatGPT is its propensity to generate factually inaccurate answers—and with pompous confidence. GPT-4 is claimed to be significantly more reliable and less prone to make stuff up—to “hallucinate”—relative to previous models.

According to OpenAI, GPT-4 scores 40% higher than GPT-3.5 on internal adversarial factuality evaluations.

GPT-3.5 vs GPT-4 - GPT-4 use cases

Source: OpenAI

Improved accuracy and understand more languages

ChatGPT is already impressive with its language capabilities. That language is its forte is not surprising because it’s primarily a language model. It is also unsurprising that it should be best at English since it is trained with data available from the internet, the bulk of which is in English.

GPT-4 significantly improved its accuracy compared to GPT-3.5 (70.1% vs 85.5%) on language tests. What’s even more significant is that GPT-4, when tested in 26 languages, outperformed the English language performance of GPT-3.5.

GPT-4 language proficiency - Use cases of GPT-4

Source: OpenAI

This will considerably enhance its utility and make it more accessible to non-English speakers. ChatGPT is already a great tool for learning English; it will become better still for learning not only English but other languages for which resources are often scarce.

Applications of GPT-4

GPT-4 can be used for numerous applications. OpenAI showcases the use cases of GPT-4 on its product page for various applications such as building a virtual assistant, detecting fraud in financial transactions, and acting as a personal tutor among others.

Some other applications of GPT-4 include conversational chatbots for language learning, preservation of rare and exotic languages and using its image recognition capability to enhance visual accessibility, and so on.

GPT-4 has been used by diverse entities such as Morgan Stanley, Khan Academy, and the government of Iceland.

Use cases of GPT-4

ChatGPT can be and has been used for various purposes. Writing codes, composing emails, integrating into WhatsApp as a virtual chatbot, mastering Excel, and cooking assistant to name just a few. GPT-4 will be able to do all of these but better.

Besides the ordinary things you can do with ChatGPT, GPT-4 can do things that are not possible with ChatGPT.

Let us consider some of these use cases of GPT-4.

Use cases of GPT-4 in finance

Finance is one of the industries that stands to benefit the most from the language and analytical capabilities of GPT-4. From doing taxes to assisting with investment, the use cases of GPT-4 in finance are numerous.

Automated customer service: GPT-4 can be used to provide automated customer service for financial institutions, such as banks and investment firms. Customers can interact with GPT-4-powered chatbots to receive assistance with common questions or issues. Customers will then be able to get quick help with what they need while firms will be able to reduce their reliance on humans for much of customer services.

GPT-4 as virtual assistant - Use cases of GPT-4

Source: OpenAI

Fraud detection: GPT-4 could be used to analyse financial data and identify patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. GPT-4 can help scan inbound communications, identifying coordinated activity from malicious actors. Payment company Stripe has already incorporated GPT-4 into its community chat forum to detect and prevent scams and financial fraudulence.

Personalised investment recommendations: GPT-4 could analyze a customer’s financial data and provide personalized investment recommendations based on their goals and risk tolerance. This could help customers make more informed investment decisions and potentially increase their returns.

Automated financial reporting: ChatGPT could assist in the preparation of financial reports, such as balance sheets or income statements, by analyzing financial data and generating reports based on predetermined templates. This could help reduce the time and resources required to prepare financial reports.

Use cases of GPT-4 in education

GPT-4 has the potential to greatly impact education—for good as well for ill. The uses of GPT-4 in education by students and teachers alike are virtually limitless. 

Much has changed and improved since the industrial revolution. But education is one aspect of life that still cling to the archaic system of generalised teaching. GPT-4 could herald a paradigmatic shift.

Personalised learning recommendations: GPT-4 could analyse a student’s learning data, such as their quiz scores or reading history, and provide personalised lessons and learning materials or activities. This would optimise each student’s learning experience and ensure that no student is left behind—or more appropriately, drag along without absorbing the materials.

GPT-4 as personal tutor - Use cases of GPT-4
Image courtesy: OpenAI

Increased accessibility: GPT-4 can improve accessibility for students with disadvantages, be they physical or mental. For example, GPT-4 could provide instant audio descriptions for visual content. GPT-4’s capability for image recognition can also aid students with visual impairments and ensure that all students have access to educational materials and experiences.

Learning assessment: GPT-4 use cases in education include assistance in the assessment of student learning by analysing student work and providing insights into areas where students may be struggling or excelling. This can help teachers tailor their instruction to better meet the needs of their students.

GPT-4 use cases in customer service

GPT-4 can be employed in customer relationship management to improve customer service and increase customer satisfaction. Some use cases of GPT-4 in customer service are as follows.

24/7 customer support: GPT-4 could be used to provide round-the-clock customer support by automating responses to common customer queries or issues. This could improve customer satisfaction and reduce the need for live customer service representatives.

Personalised recommendations: GPT-4 can be used to analyse customer’s purchase history and preferences. It can then be used to provide personalised product recommendations based on their preferences and interests. This can help customers discover new products and increase sales.

Language support: GPT-4’s proficiency in multiple languages can be utilised to provide assistance to customers in the language they speak. This can help ensure that all customers receive the same level of suppose regardless of their language.

Use cases of GPT-4 to build a website

ChatGPT can already code quite well. But it is limited by the number of text it can generate and often loses context. But with increased tokens, and the ability to recognise images, the use cases of GPT-4 for coding and building websites have widened.

We can now—maybe not now but as soon as the feature is available—simply present it a sketch of a website and GPT-4 will create a functional website based on the scribble. And not only that, it’ll generate content to fill gaps in the website.

See a demonstration of how GPT-4 is used to build a website by giving a visual input of the website mockup.

The image recognition capability brings so much more to the table. It is no longer just a language model but an image model. GPT-4 can be used to generate captions, classify images, recommend recipes by simply providing a photo of content in the refrigerator, analyse charts and graphs, and explain complex diagrams.

Visual prompt - GPT-4 use cases

Source: OpenAI

GPT-4 will change the way we interact, create and work. Its potentials are far-reaching and can have deep implications in the way AI is used and deployed. While the drawbacks of GPT-3.5 and concerns related to generative AI remain, such as bias and the hallucination tendency and their use for nefarious purposes, it cannot be denied that GPT-4 and its ilk represent something momentous.

And since AI cannot be wished away even if we want to, those who know how to tame it and use it will stay ahead in the game—or in the game, at least.

Here are some articles to help you stay ahead in the game:

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