How to Send WhatsApp Messages from Google Sheets

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Send WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets using the HYPERLINK function.

=HYPERLINK(url, [link_label])

url – The full URL of the link location enclosed in quotation marks, or a reference to a cell containing such a URL.

link_label – The text to display in the cell as the link.


//This creates a hyperlink with label “Send” clicking which sends a message contained in cell C5 to the phone number in B5.

WhatsApp and Google Sheets are two indispensable platforms used in daily life. They can be used in conjunction to enhance their utility and use for functions that they cannot achieve individually.

Ever had an instance, when you had to send a number of messages to your customers or contacts and wanted to reduce the manual effort for the same?

Now, what if I tell you that you can send WhatsApp Messages from Google Sheets? Sounds interesting, right? 

This article will provide you with step-by-step assistance with a cost-free solution to send WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets.

You can also watch the following video on how to send WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets.

YouTube Video: Send WHATSAPP Messages through GOOGLE SHEETS || Latest tutorial 2022

You can also check out the spreadsheet template below to get a hands-on experience with it.

Free Google Sheets Template to Send WhatsApp Messages

How to Send WhatsApp Messages from Google Sheets

A step-by-step guide on how to send WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets

Step 1: Adding name and contact to send to

Create a spreadsheet with Column 1 for storing the names of the contacts and Column 2 for their respective WhatsApp numbers.

Note: Do not forget to add the country code in front of the phone numbers while omitting the plus (+) sign.

(Example: +91-987654321 would be written as 91987654321 in the Column 2 cells)

Adding WhatsApp Contacts Data to the Spreadsheet to send WhatsApp Messages from Google Sheets
Figure 1: Adding WhatsApp contacts to the spreadsheet

Step 2: Creating the WhatsApp message to send from Google Sheets

Add the message in the next column using the following syntax:


Here, A5 is the cell that holds the name of the person to whom to send WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets

The final message syntax for the given example is: 

="Hi "&A5&", Welcome to the Team."
Creating the WhatsApp Message to send from Google Sheets
Figure 2: Creating the WhatsApp message to send from Google Sheets

Replicate the formula for the rest of the contacts by dragging the formula cell to the last row that contains contacts.

Step 3: Creating WhatsApp Message Link

Create another column for linking the messages to WhatsApp by using the HYPERLINK feature.

The syntax below will enable you to send the message in cell C5 to the contact number in cell B5.


And “Send” is the hyperlink, clicking which will trigger the action, ie, send the message. This can be customised to any text or symbol.

Figure 3: Creating the WhatsApp message link to send from Google Sheets

Apply the syntax to the other rows as well by dragging the formula cell.

Step 4: Sending the WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets

We are almost done with the process now. All you have to do is click on the Send link displayed in column D to send WhatsApp Messages from Google Sheets.

Figure 4: Sending the WhatsApp message from Google Sheets

You will be redirected to the WhatsApp page, where you have to click on the option Continue to Chat and select either WhatsApp Web or the WhatsApp App installed on your computer.

Press Enter and your WhatsApp message will be sent to the contact.

You can send multiple messages just by clicking on the SEND link in the spreadsheet.

Final WhatsApp Chat Image showing Multiple messages sent on WhatsApp from Google Sheets
Figure 5: WhatsApp messages sent using Google Sheets


It can prove to be quite useful to send WhatsApp messages from Google Sheets if the number of people targeted is huge and messages to be sent need to be personalized, which can be quite easily done as we have learned.

If you liked this article, you may want to check out our complete guide to Whatsapp Cloud API.

See Also

Want to know more about such cool hacks for Google Sheets? Look at our definitive guide on Google Sheets which covers hundreds of such topics here. Enjoy reading!

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2 responses to “How to Send WhatsApp Messages from Google Sheets”

    • Hi, did you copy the syntax from our blog and paste it into Google Sheets? If so, then it could be because the quotation marks are not correctly formatted and Google Sheets may have interpreted them as texts.

      Try this: =HYPERLINK(“”&B5&”&text=”&C5,”Send”)

      Replace the cells and text with your own.

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